
November 2, 2019



November 2, 2019

I spent the past 2 years secretly envious of how much Drew loves his Beef and Brussies recipe. Why can’t I be content to eat the same thing every day?I decided that I would need to create my own recipe that encompasses the flavors that I would be happy to eat every day... so I started with bacon but realized it needed more nutrition. After some experimentation, I have come up with “No Hassle Hash.” It has all of the key components to a healthy meal: lean protein, vegetables, and healthy fats. But equally important - it tastes amazing, cooks up in one pot, can be bulk prepped, and is great reheated for several days.

The recipe below can easily be doubled or tripled (I haven’t tried quadrupled)No Hassle Hash

  • 2 strips of thick cut bacon, cut in small pieces
  • 1 lb. lean turkey or lean grass fed beef
  • 1 lb. diced sweet potatoes
  • ½ C. diced onion
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1 tsp. rosemary
  • 4 C. chopped kale
  • ¼ C. water
  • Salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot over medium heat, cook bacon pieces until lightly browned. Remove bacon and drain most of the fat (if desired). Saute the onion in the bacon fat (or use olive oil) until slightly soft, add minced garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add meat and cook until completely browned. Add rosemary, sweet potatoes, kale, and ¼ C. water (this helps steam the vegetables). Turn heat to medium-low, stirring every 3 minutes until potatoes are tender and can be smashed with a fork. Salt and pepper to taste.If you're not experienced with chopping, check out my video on how I dice sweet potatoes and garlic!https://youtu.be/H7vzXjD0cpU

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