Member Spotlight - Christy Fitzpatrick

October 19, 2017
Member Spotlight - Christy Fitzpatrick



October 19, 2017

MEMBER SPOTLIGHTIn the twelfth installment of our "Member Spotlight", we're featuring someone with the most positive attitude and perhaps the most contagious smile that you will ever meet. She even smiles when she's on the Assault Bike! It's literally impossible not to smile when she's around. So if you're ever having a bad day, just hang out with her for a few minutes and all of your problems will go away!

Christy Fitzpatrick

First, give us a little background on yourself.Originally from Florida, then moved to Louisiana..I have now made my way up here to the beautiful Pacific Northwest where I spend most of my time hiking and exploring the beautiful forests with my black lab pup named Nola (named after New Orleans,LA). During the day I am a High School teacher at an alternative school in Albany, OR and I absolutely love my job. What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?I have always been an active person but wanted to find something that would challenge me physically and mentally for the summer while I had a break from school, I started in June thinking I would just attend during the summer, but instantly got hooked! With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?The biggest improvement I have seen is my ability to do push-ups. Coach Drew encouraged me to do elevated pushups and I have slowly been able to lower the bar down and do more repetitions. Also doing Double Unders with the jump rope, I have never been able to do any until I started at The I can do 25 minutes….hahaWhat do you like to do outside the gym?I am addicted to hiking and trail running, I go every day am seem to never get bored of doing the same trails again and again. I also like to backpack during the summer months and just recently started mountain biking with a few crossfit buddies!

What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?My goal is to be able to do a full pull-up (not banded) on my own! I still need the help of the green and red band...but soon want to drop that red band….baby steps!Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?Frankies in North Albany, my co-teachers and I can be found there every now and then enjoying a drink and unwinding from our crazy teaching days.What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?Crossfit is not all about flipping monster truck tires and doing olympic lifting, in fact my favorite part about crossfit is not the work-outs, but the community and friendships I have begun to make at The Shop. You are surrounded by an amazing group of encouraging and welcoming people that are cheering for you. Also everyone is about fist bumps so get ready to recieve a lot of those ;)RAPID FIRE QUESTIONSFavorite BookI’m a Stranger Here Myself by Bill BrysonFavorite MovieAirplaneFavorite FoodButternut SquashFavorite Cheat MealA large glass of dry red wine Favorite Exercise/MovementAnything with a KettlebellLeast Favorite Exercise/MovementPower CleansSomething Others Might be Surprised to Learn About YouI have traveled all around the USA in a blimp! (my dad was a blimp pilot for 40 years)

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