Member Spotlight - Joseph Thompson

June 25, 2018
Member Spotlight - Joseph Thompson



June 25, 2018

MEMBER SPOTLIGHTIn the twentieth installment of our "Member Spotlight", we're featuring the guy with enough "Beard Equity" to compensate for those of us who can't grow one. He works all over the country and has dropped in to more CrossFit gyms than probably all the rest of us combined! But when he's in town, you can always find him at the SHOP working hard and lending a helping hand to everyone else in the class.

Joseph Thompson

First, give us a little background on yourself.I grew up on the east coast. I spent most of my time enjoying the outdoors and working on farms until going to college in southwest VA. There I spent many days in the woods, or underground. I even spent some of the time in a classroom. It is also where I met my wife, Kelly. We spent a couple years in Virginia, several years in West Virginia, and then Kelly was transferred out west for work 7+ years ago. I travel for my work in power plant maintenance, so it was easy for me to follow her on a move. That is also why I disappear for weeks at a time, but now it just gives me the opportunity to check out other boxes, and find differences in training for Drew to compare and contrast. I enjoy listening to music (mostly bluegrass, old time country, and most classic rock), traveling with Kelly while exploring the countryside and the globe, hiking, and when I’m home….keeping up with our nieces/nephews, a few animals and the greenery in our yard.[caption id="attachment_208505" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Hiking Isla Gran Canaria with my tour guide[/caption]What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?I was quite a bit out of shape from a couple of years of medical treatments. I had a buddy take me to the box (Crossfit Granbury, TX) where we were working for the month… and then came home to see what was offered. After a couple of months checking elsewhere, Drew tried to convince me he was the best in town. The crew did the rest of the convincing. Been over two years now, but with work travel and hiking travel, I only make it in about 50% of that time.With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?All of them, though I did just get a ring muscle-up, and averaged a 7 min/mile 5k.What do you like to do outside the gym? Hike, yoga, and kid WODs with the niece and nephews.[caption id="attachment_208504" align="aligncenter" width="768"]

kiddie kettlebell[/caption]What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?Squats and power cleans, and any endurance I can gain.Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?El Manchin in Albany. Have to ask for the extra hot salsa though. ;)What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?Slow and steady wins the race. Don’t hurt yourself, just be solid in your form, and do something every day, even if it is just a good ROM WOD (read - yoga).RAPID FIRE QUESTIONSFavorite BookJohnny TremainFavorite MovieThe Man from Snowy RiverFavorite FoodArtichokes with a hollandaise sauce, and a good pork chop.Favorite Cheat MealI tend to eat what I feel I need in moderation, with an educated lean, not a strict diet. My cheat is over-indulgence. Favorite Exercise/MovementUsually the body weight movements, sit-ups, and runs.Least Favorite Exercise/MovementThrusters, or is it Wall Balls… or Thrusters….Something Others Might be Surprised to Learn About YouI have been on initial cave explorations. There are places under this world that our groups of 2-3 are the only ones who have ever been there. It is fun to say, “No one else has seen it” and be able to mean it.[caption id="attachment_208507" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Hiking through my tour guide's favorite park, Snow Canyon in Utah[/caption]

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