Member Spotlight - Steve McCready

August 1, 2019
Member Spotlight - Steve McCready



August 1, 2019

MEMBER SPOTLIGHTIn the twenty-third installment of our "Member Spotlight", we're featuring a foodie whose answer to the question "What is your favorite place to eat in Corvallis?" was HIS OWN HOUSE!! In addition to making a hella good batch of Kimchi, his form, technique, tempo, and attention to detail on all of his lifts are perfect. And you'll also find him sporting the best mustache since Magnum PI. Man, do I have a bro crush on this guy?? I think so!! And once you read his Member Spotlight, you will too. Oh, and his daughter Lucy is cute as can be and she gets #swoleAF at the SHOP Kidz class.

Steve McCready

First, give us a little background on yourself.

I grew up in Southern California (LA area) and left as soon as I could. I studied Natural Resources Recreation & Tourism at Colorado State University, prior to earning a Food Science degree from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

Over the past 20 years, I have lived in various parts of the western half of the country (California Central Valley, Omaha, Denver/Boulder, Oakland, Corvallis) where I made a living as a Product Development Scientist for both big and small companies. A sampling of my professional success includes: Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha Syrup, Dreyer’s Ice Cream Dibs, Silk Almondmilk, Flavored KimChi, Slim Twins Ice Cream, and reTHINK Ice Cream.

Currently, I operate a small Food and Beverage Product Development Consulting business. As a consultant, I bring ideas/concepts to life in the form of a commercializable product offering.

My wife (Laura) and I have an awesome 7 year old girl named Lucy.

What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?

Health concerns stemming from a sedentary lifestyle was the main driver for getting me back to regular exercise. What got me started at the SHOP was quite simply the people (coaches and members alike). What’s kept me coming back for a year has been the programming (variety), results/gainz, and yes, the people.

With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?

Powerlifting- Prior to coming to the SHOP I had next to no experience with barbells (aside from bench and strict presses).

General fitness- I used to avoid Conditioning Days… now I only cringe at them

What do you like to do outside the gym?

Make and share food with friends.

When not at the gym, I can be found: at a park with Lucy, fishing, gardening, on a mountain (winter), at the Farmer’s Market (Spring/Summer), or thinking about the next WOD

What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?

Assault Bike (because it’s harder than it should be… want to make the bike “my bitch” eventually)

Pull-ups (pending arm health)

Handstand Walk

Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?

My house, Laughing planet, Simply Ramen (Albany)

What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?

Show up- you’ll get much more than you put in if you show up on a regular basis.

You can go bigger and last longer than you think- all you have to do is push yourself.

Listen to the Coaches/ask questions- the coaches are there for you and they genuinely care. You won’t find coaches with chips on their shoulders, or who only want to coach “athletes”... they’re there to help you be the best version of yourself.

RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS (keep it short and sweet…)

Favorite Book

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy; The Alchemist

Favorite Movie

Fight Club; Vision Quest; This Is Spinal Tap

Favorite Food


Favorite Cheat Meal

Burger, Fries & a Marionberry Milkshake

Favorite Exercise/Movement

Leopard Crawl and TGU

Least Favorite Exercise/Movement

Assault Bike and DUs

Something Others Might be Surprised to Learn About You

I’ve got a serious case of resting gym face (I’m not unfriendly)

I’m allergic to mushrooms, but eat them anyway

I own (and regularly cuddle with) a lap dog

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