Member Spotlight - Caitlin O'Neil

November 15, 2016
Member Spotlight - Caitlin O'Neil



November 15, 2016


In the fifth installment of our "Member Spotlight", we're featuring another lady who has absolutely dominated at the SHOP. Her first visit was February 22, 2016. That was 263 days ago. If you subtract out the weekends, there have been 187 SHOP workouts since then, and she has made it to 153 of them. And she crushed every single one.

That, my friends, is the very definition of consistency. And it also explains why her results have been outstanding. Introducing...

What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?

I started coming to the SHOP back in February all due to my good friend Melissa who had been nagging me day in and day out to come to CrossFit with her. Melissa and I are very similar meaning she knew from the get go that I would get addicted just like her.

With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?

I have seen huge improvements in my push-ups and barbell complex weight. I first started my push up on an elevated bar and now am able to do consecutive push-ups on the ground. When it comes to the barbell complex when first starting I wasn't necessarily comfortable with all the movements and was afraid to add weight to my bar, and now I look forward to our barbell complexes and pushing myself in the amount of weight I use.

What do you like to do outside the gym?

Outside the gym I love being outdoors either running, hiking, or biking. However when I'm not being active I love to watching Netflix and hanging out with friends.

What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?

I want to improve on my pull ups and my handstand push-ups. All though they have improved since my first workout with the shop I want to be able to do a real pull up and gain more depth on my handstand push-ups.

Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?

I love eating at Panera I am always down for their mac n cheese and a side sandwich!

What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?

I would tell them to try and be consistent with going and even consistent with the time they go at. Because you honestly make friendships with other individuals in your class. I would also advise them not to look online at the workout of the day just go to class every morning and push yourself to be better and stronger.

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