Member Spotlight - Caitlin Yee

September 23, 2016
Member Spotlight - Caitlin Yee



September 23, 2016


In the second installment of our "Member Spotlight", we're featuring my favorite member of the Yee Family. She has absolutely embodied the SHOP mantra, which is:

  1. Show up
  2. Work hard
  3. Lather
  4. Rinse
  5. Repeat

And there you have it folks...that's the "secret" to success. It's no wonder that she has seen such tremendous results.

And now, without further ado...

Caitlin Yee

What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?

My first workout at the SHOP was in November 2015. My husband Todd had joined and spent months trying to convince me that I’d love it, but I was intimidated and put it off for a long time. My workouts prior to the SHOP revolved around running and spin with a few random gym sessions mixed in and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up. Turns out Todd was right - once I actually tried it, I loved it and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’m at the SHOP 5 days a week for the noon class and I can’t think of a better way to spend my lunch hour.

With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?

I have improved so much across the board, but I’m most proud of my pullups and pushups. When I first started I couldn’t do one quality pushup or pullup and had to scale the warm up. I can now do pushups in the double digits and have done 8 unbroken pullups.


What do you like to do outside the gym?

I enjoy spending time with my husband, daughter, and dogs. We try to spend as much time as possible outdoors hiking with the dogs or fishing.

What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?

I’m currently obsessed with my goal of getting 10 unbroken pullups!  I probably spend way more time thinking about it than I should…  I’d also like to improve my deadlifts and power cleans.  Oh, and double unders too.  I hate them.  It’s a movement that looks so darn easy when you see other people do them, but they have evaded me for some time now.

Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?

McMenamins is one of my favorites, although I am happy to go anywhere with a good beer selection.

What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?

Don’t be intimidated!  All of the workouts can be scaled to your ability.  The environment at the SHOP is awesome and the members are all really supportive.  Just show up regularly and put in the work and the results will follow. 

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