Member Spotlight - The Mattesons

September 10, 2016
Member Spotlight - The Mattesons



September 10, 2016

MEMBER SPOTLIGHTIn the first installment of our "Member Spotlight", we're featuring two of our most tenured members and two of the most consistently hard working people I have ever met.

Teresa and Curtis Matteson

Perhaps my favorite story that illustrates just how dedicated these two are happened on Christmas Eve 2015. They were traveling early in the morning via PDX to visit family for the holidays. Since they didn't want to miss a workout, somehow they talked me into opening up the SHOP at 3:00am on Christmas Eve so that we could push sleds and crush some pushups! It was an epic, early morning workout...or just another day in the lives of the Mattesons.First up, Teresa!

What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?

Our seriously athletic daughter, Mikenzie gave the entire family (from age 9 to 60) Green Valley Crossfit classes for Christmas 2014. Afterwards, although not a single family member could comfortably sit on the toilet or raise arms to prepare holiday dinner, we were all infected with the Crossfit bug and have frequented the SHOP ever since. Join Curtis and I most weekday mornings for the 5:30 AM WOD! It will rock your day.

With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?

My most improved movement award goes to Pushups. In the beginning I used the window sill for my pushup bar; then I advanced to a barbell in the rack. Ring rows were an important variation early on as well. As my core strengthened, due to V-ups, ab-mat sit ups and other such fun, I was able to crank out fairly level pushups by going all the way to the floor and lifting my hands after each pump. Each day I concentrate on keeping my body as straight and level as possible – belly, bum and knees tight. Now I can do 25 consecutive pushups. They get a bit saggy towards the end but I keep going as long as possible.

What do you like to do outside the gym?

Hang with my peeps. Eat. Dig holes and look at soil. Pull weeds.

What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?

Strict pull up – note, not plural – I just want to jump up, grab the bar, and pull up to my chest. OMGoodness – that will be a proud moment!

Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?

Nearly Normals Gonzo Cuisine

What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?

Take it easy and go at a pace that is just right for you. The wonderful thing about Crossfit is the adaptability to any fitness level. Execute each movement mindfully. Keep on SHOPping!

Next up, Curtis!

What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?

I got started with Cross Fit at the same time as Teresa, through our daughter Mikenzie.

With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?

It’s difficult to point out a most improved movement or most progress with a movement. I feel I have improved across the board on our training. I’m stronger, faster, weigh less, have more endurance, and better balance then when I started. All of those have translated into better times, more reps, more weight, and more cals in our workouts. I’ve attached a benchmark we all did our first day, and then the times T and I did on our one year anniversary, big improvement. A couple of my favorites though that I feel I’ve improved on a lot are squats, Turkish Get-ups, and thrusters (don’t know why I like those so much, they’re kind of miserable but in a good way).

What do you like to do outside the gym?

Outside the gym I like to get out doors, hiking, boating, fishing. I have a lifetime passion for aviation and took my first flying lesson 51 years ago and have been a pilot for over 40 years. Some of the Shop members have been up with me. I have owned airplanes for many years and my current plane is at the Corvallis airport. I have airplane and helicopter pilot ratings. I was educated and trained as a mining engineer and still enjoy working on projects around the western US.What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?My nemesis has proven to be the pull-up. It is the one movement I would love to accomplish. I’m beginning to feel that it’s now a race with the clock to conquer it before I get to be too darn old to ever do it!Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?Food, I love food. Probably my downfall with pull-ups. I enjoy kind of a wide range of places. Del Alma downtown is always great, Local Ocean over at Newport is super for seafood, I love to do a Squirrel’s Burger and beer for a late lunch (once in a while). Drinks and American Dream pizza in the Crow Bar can be a fun hideaway. Drinks and snacks at the Kingfisher are fun. Then there’s Gathering Together Farms out of Philomath, that’s always worth doing. And of course Laughing Planet with the Shop members is hard to beat.What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?If you're just starting at the SHOP, I would say make your schedule and stick with it. Our coaches do such a fantastic job of working with you and working your body in a deliberate way that going consistently and often will pay out. There will be lots of days you feel too sore (in a good kind of way) to really work out, but you’ll discover you can work out and have a good time at it. One of the great fun things I’ve learned is that Cross Fit is automatically scaling, you will get just as tough of a workout for yourself doing an appropriate version for your skill level as the most experienced and fittest person in the box, and everyone you work out with will admire your effort knowing you’re all feeling the same, shared effort. Don’t be shy, don’t be embarrassed, listen to the coach, and listen to your body. You’ll have a great time and start feeling great.And lastly, good or bad, you end up with a new wardrobe!

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