Member Spotlight - T Champ and Lil' T Flex

October 26, 2016
Member Spotlight - T Champ and Lil' T Flex



October 26, 2016


In the fourth installment of our "Member Spotlight", we're featuring two badass ladies who have some of the best tank top games in the business. By day they are SHOP superstars, and by night they morph into opponent-crushing softball all-stars! After all, you don't get to pick nicknames like these...they have to be earned.

T Champ & Lil' T Flex (aka Terra Champney & Teena Yates)


Now batting, T Champ! Lil' T Flex is on deck

What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?

I had been trying to figure out a new workout routine for a while and randomly had the opportunity to work at the crossfit games this summer and became obsessed with how fit and muscular everyone was. I started at The Shop a few weeks later and have loved it!

With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?

I have definitely seen the most progress with pull ups and seal walks. I honestly didn't think I would ever be able to do a pull up and now I can do 3!

What do you like to do outside the gym?

I play a lot of softball. I also love hanging out with my family and my dogs.

What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?

I want to be able to do a hand stand walk. I am still working on just balancing in a hand stand without touching the wall.

Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?

My guilty pleasure is American Dream pizza. I could eat it everyday!

What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?

Be consistent and push through the soreness and pain, it is totally worth it. I have loved the people I have met here, it is like a second family. We help push each other through the good and bad workouts so be open to make new workout buddies.

Now batting, Lil' T Flex!

What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?

I was looking to better my body with a different type of work out. I have been apart of the shop for 3 months and have loved it!

With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?

I have definitely gotten better at kettlebell swings and barbell workouts. I hadn't lifted heavy in a long time.

What do you like to do outside the gym?

I play softball mostly, and really enjoy doing projects on the house.

What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?

I would like to increase my stamina with the more cardio asked workouts and being able to push myself with assault bike and during the running parts.

Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?

American Dream or Block 15, I could eat American Dream's chocolate chip cookies every day.

What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?

Work at your own pace and know when to push yourself and staying in control of all your movements. Working past the sore pain is worth the results in the end.

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