Member Spotlight - Liz & Tyler Cragg

February 10, 2017
Member Spotlight - Liz & Tyler Cragg



February 10, 2017


In the eighth installment of our "Member Spotlight", we're featuring...

Liz & Tyler Cragg

First, give us a little background on yourself.

We moved to Corvallis in the Fall of 2015 from the upper peninsula of Michigan, with our tiny house on wheels in tow, for a change of pace and a bit of adventure. More on that can be found here:

What got you started and how long have you been at the SHOP?

We had tried Insanity and other at home workout plans in the past, but got bored and wouldn't stick with them.  Tyler started using CrossFit in 2014 as a way to keep in shape during the long winter months in Michigan when he could not mountain bike, but would give it up May through November. Liz was intrigued, but didn't try it until we moved to Corvallis and found the SHOP in October of 2015. The physical results and community are so great that we've been hooked ever since.

With what movement(s) have you seen the most progress?

Liz: Pretty much everything, but definitely pull-ups and handstand push-ups.

Tyler:  As for progress and movements, unintentionally my main success has been in getting the bathroom scale to progressively move higher and higher.  Since starting at the shop I have put on about 15 lbs and think at least 12 of that is muscle.  I love that with that gain, my flexibility and range of motion have improved significantly and for the first time in my life I can easily touch my toes doing a hamstring stretch.

What do you like to do outside the gym?

Liz: Hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, painting, knitting, and playing with our dog.

Tyler: I love to mountain bike, hike with the pooch, and keep obsessively busy on 4runners and house projects.

you just can't fake a mustache like that

What movement(s) would you like to improve on in the next few months?

Liz: Double unders, sprints

Tyler:  My HSPU game needs work.  At the rate Liz is ripping them out, she'll probably kick me out of the tiny house soon if I don't keep up.

Favorite place to eat in/near Corvallis?

Laughing Planet, Nearly Normals, Eats & Treats

What advice would you give members just starting out at the SHOP?

Get to know the people in your daily workouts. Not only will you enjoy the workouts more, but you'll feel more accountable if someone expects to see you at a certain time every day.

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